The Chronicles of the Phlaum Family.
There is more than one way to skin a cat...or smash cookies for a crust!
Vacuuming is a useful skill to have. I guess that now is as good of a time an any to learn!
Making Pb&Js...
This was taken in Utah. A pretty cool picture. As I travel cross country I am fascinated about how much time and work it took to make the roads. How long did guys working on them have to be separated from their families? How many times did the "workers" look at something and think to themselves, "There is NO way"...only to have it work out just like the plans said? And sometimes they make for good pictures as well.
I've always wondered what you would feel like if you had to us one of these runaway truck ramps...To suddenly realize that you are going too fast for your brakes to handle. I can imagine that it would be hard on the male ego to have to use one! Specially if it was your own fault. Growing up in the west I have passed many of these in my life,, but this was the first time I have ever seen one occupied.
Not every part of a trip goes super smooth. This particular morning we got up to leave early, only to find out that the battery had gone flat during the night!! I was trying to get everything hooked up, and as you can see, Jen thought thought it was a good time to take pictures. By the look on my face I don't think I shared her enthusiasm for the moment.
Another oooops happened when we took a wrong turn and ended up at a dead end. You can see behind my trailer that the the road simply ends...right there. I then had to figure out how to get my car with a trailer turned around! I ended up taking off the trailer and moving it by hand...then moving the car...then hooking it all back together! I just had to laugh as I was doing it, it was too crazy not to.
The drive between Flagstaff and Phoenix is a beautiful drive normally, but this day was exceptional. There was a thunder storm going on and we drove around a corner on the highway and saw a car pulled over and a lady standing out in the rain with a camera. Then we saw what she was looking at. Just one break in the clouds...quite beautiful!
Uhhh, there is absolutely no story behind this pine cone. What is it doing here anyway?
Our trip has been a blessing. We realize how unique this part of our life is and has been. How often do most people get to take a few months and travel crossed country visiting people? And God has totally been taking care of us. We were adding up or expenses on this trip so far, then we added up the gifts that people have given us, and for the most part they have matched! All of our bills have been paid for! Praise the Lord!
Kyra Joy...such a cutie!
Eric, Amy and Family
Our friends...Josh, Heidi, Micah and Mariah.
Jen and I at the Montezuma's well. On the left of the well are some houses that you can see below. They are made right into the wall. Pretty cool if you ask me.