Saturday, June 30, 2007

In North-east Oregon

Well, we made it.
We made it to NE Oregon to have our baby.
Why did we drive about ten hours away from our house to have a child?
Excellent question...
Here in this part of the state we have a mid-wife, the same mid-wife in fact that we had with our first daughter Isabella.
We have a house to have the baby in, also the same place we had Isabella.
There is a hospital within a five minute drive of this house, just in case.
Those are the main reasons we are waiting for the little one to
We had a prenatal with the midwife today and one scheduled next Thursday. The last ultrasound put the baby around 6lbs 6oz. That is a blessing. With about two more weeks left to go it could be a good size baby!
Please keep praying for us. Our hearts are still "on guard" until we actually hold the little one in our arms. As soon as that happens we will post sooo many pictures here!!
For the next month or so we will be here with both cell phone and internet!!!!
So I will try to e-mail as many people as I can and Jen will try to call!
Drop us a line if you can...we would love to talk!


Charlyn said...

Praying for the best for you.

Can't wait to see your new little one!!

Anonymous said...

Hey there Phlaum's! Glad to hear that you made it safe to Baker City. We sure do miss you and are wishing we could be there with you during this time. Know that our thoughts and prayers are with you! Can't wait to see some pics!
Love you guys!
Gek and Sawah

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