Saturday, July 29, 2006

Hanging out in Wisconsin

Our trip out here was thankfully uneventful. We left at three in the morning so that we could get here at a decent time. We have been having a good time with our friends. We have two families that we know really well that live here on the New Tribes Bible School campus, and we have been hanging out with them. We had a list of people that we wanted to see, but when we got here either people were gone or busy or other we have been not doing too much, which is fine with us as well...
We did get a laptop, and that is a blessing. Our summer travels are now beginning and we were praying for a laptop that we could use for showing slides and presentations in churches, and we finally got one. My friend Jeff and I spent a few hours yesterday getting it ready and making sure everything works, and so I am now "breaking it in".

We have a prayer request to pass along...
Our friends Jared and Erin live here in Wisconsin and when we were here in Dec-Jan with Anarazell we spent a few nights with them. Well they have a little baby , Ruby, about a year old and they are worried about her.

Erin Writes:
Hi Everyone,
Please pray for little Ruby. She has had a fever on and off for the past month, so today the doctors did some tests. Her SED rate should be at 20 but her's was 28, which is a little above normal. But then a test to check her liver function was 4-5x higher than normal. The doctor said she will need to have a bone scan to check for kidney and bone infections as well as to rule out a tumor. Please pray that God would heal her little body and pray for us to trust in Him. The doctor is calling me back within the hour to set up the bone scan.
Thank you!

She wrote back a few hours later and said that the scan is set for Tuesday. They will go in at nine A.M. and get some dye in Ruby but the scan won't start until one in the it will be a long day for all of them.
So please pray for our friends and their daughter...scary times.
I'll update about them when I hear more.

1 comment:

Charlyn said...

Funny I should check your blog today - Tuesday! I will be praying for little Ruby all day.