Well, we are still in Wisconsin. We had planned on leaving today, but today was the only time we could see the mid-wife again and meet her husband, visit Tom and Grace one more time and see Brian and Julie! So we decided that it was worth postponing our trip one more day.
Yesterday we went to the NICU to say good-bye to two of the nurses that took such good care of Anarazell when she was in there. It was quite a hard thing to get off the elevator and walk down that hallway again. The smell that we always will associate with our daughter was still there, but we knew that she wasn't any longer. Both Jane and Doreen were our main nurses while we were there and it was good to visit with them for a bit. Doreen was with us when we had our good-bye party and Jane was with us when we let Anarazell go, so they will always have a special place in our heart.
As we were leaving we ran into a mother that had a baby in the NICU the same time that Anarazell was there. This story is amazing...
Three days after Anarazell was admitted, a baby was put into the room across from us. The mother came up to us and asked if we were from New Tribes. She was a student at the Bible School the same time we were. She was a year behind us and so we didn't see much of each other, but she still recognized us. So we had an instant bond...NTMer...babies in the NICU. So we kept up with each other while we were there. On Dec. 9th Anarazell went home to her Creator, and their baby, Nathan, had his surgury that fixed his heart problem and he was going to be fine.
The Lord gives and the Lord takes away...blessed be the name of the Lord.So we were quite surprized when we saw Mallary, the mom, there in the ICU. It has been over a month after all, we thought that she was home with her baby this whole time. Well, it turns out that Nathan's heart is fine now...but he has been having some major complications with infections...not breathing right and other things, and this couple has been in the NICU for over 6 weeks now. All through Christmas..the new year and everything. Understandably they are tired and discouraged. We just wish that we had known sooner then the day before we were leaving! They have been ready to take him home twice, then he will have another problem and they are back to the ICU. What we went through was hard, and I can't even imagine having it drug out for 3 times longer...and they are still in the middle of it.
So, Please, pray for Mike, Mallary and Nathan. When I find their e-mail I will post it so if you want to say something encouraging, you can. We know how it feels to be really heart-broken and get a prayer that someone is praying for you.
Please, Lord...comfort Mike and Mallary right now. They have been living in the Ronald McDonald house for almost two months now and they are tired. They are hours from family and friends and they just have there little one in the hospital to see everyday. Well, they have you and please let them know that. Please help them to see you through all of this. Please heal Nathan and let his go home with his parents soon. God, we know you are in control..please let this family know as well.