Thursday, January 12, 2006

Huge Blessing

Well, we found out today that it looks like the Wisconsin medicaid is going to cover ALL the medical expenses that we have incurred since we have gotten here. Believe me, there were a lot of them...
That is such a blessing. We weren't really worried about the bills, just because there were going to be so many, we realized that if they were going to be paid it was going to be God that did it! Because we are not residents of Wisconsin we weren't sure what was going to happen, but I called the last collector today and unless something strange comes up it looks like we are finished with it all.

Kinda weird...I know it isn't the case, but it kinda feels like we are taking a step back in time. It is like we are heading back to Missouri with nothing to show for our time here, just as if we never came in the first place. No bills, no baby girl, just a lot of memories...
I'm sure that something will come out of all this. Maybe I won't be able to see it this side of heaven, but God is working in someway...


Charlyn said...

God is good like that, isn't he?

Anonymous said...

How fantastic! Not to have to be concerned with a huge debt is an incredible blessing. We thank our Father for that. May your journey back be safe. We love you and continue holding you up to the Father, although we actually know you are in his hands. Just like the beautiful picture of your baby in her father's hand.
Martha and David
Cave Junction